Rabu, 09 November 2016

Contoh surat bisnis Dalam bahasa inggris & Conversation

Contoh Surat Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris.
            Surat bisnis adalah surat yang digunakan baik perseorangan, instansi ataupun lembagaga organisasi yang isinya untuk menyampaikan pesan – pesan bisnis secara tertulis dengan menggunakan media tertentu baik via pos, faksimili maupun media internet. Surat bisnis memiliki banyak jenis misalnya surat bisnis penawaran, surat bisnis perkenalan, surat bisnis pesanan dan lain-lain. Meskipun teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang begitu cepat dengan adanya telepon, telepon genggam, televisi, radio, telegram, feksimile, dan komputer, surat tampaknya masih merupakaan sarana penghubung atau komunikasi yang sangat penting bagi seseoran, kelompok, maupun organisasi pemerintah dan bisnis. Selain sebagai sarana komunikasi, surat bisnis memiliki berbagai fungsi:
1.       Surat bisnis berfungsi sebagai wakil atau duta bagi pengiriman surat. Dalam kaitanya dalam  dunia bisnis, surat bisnis berfungsi untuk pembawa pesan-pesan bisnis dari pengirim pesan ke pada pihak lain.
2.      Alat untuk menyimpan pembertitahuan, permintaan, atau permohonan, buah pikiran atau gagasan yang berkaitan dengan masalah-maslah bisnis.
Misalnya: surat pemesanan produk, surat penagihan, surat penagihan produk baru, dll.
3.      Alat buktu tertulis (dokumen tertulis), Misalnya : surat perjanjian jual beli, surat perintah kerja, surat kerja sama, dll.
4.      Alat untuk mengingat, misalnya: surat bisnis yang diarsipkan. Pada aat dibutuhkan, surat-surat tersebut dapat dilihat dan dicek kembali untuk mengingat berbagai kegiatan yang telah dilakukan masa lalu atau sebelumnya.
5.      Bukti sejarah atau historis, misalnya surat izin pendirian usaha, surat kepailitan usaha, dan surat penggabungan usaha. Surat-surat bisnis tersebut menjadi catatan yang berharga sebagiai bukti historis dalam dunia bisnis.
6.      Pedoman  kerja, misalnya : surat keputusan dan surat perintah. Surat tersebut berfungsi sebagai pedoman atau acuan dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan bisnis.
7.      Media promosi bagi pengiriman surat.

Contoh Ke 1
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 07
Purwokerto, November 13th, 2014
Designation. General Manager Affair
Jl. Jendral Soedirman 23
Dear Sirs,
Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PT Maju Sejahtera is engaged in the distributor of office stationery.
According to the information we collect, CV MEGA is a property company that is growing rapidly and will open again some marketing office in Tasikmalaya. In this connection, let us offer some of stationery products that we market. Together with this letter we attach a list of items and their respective prices.
If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via telephone numbers (0265) 35412 and we’ll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month. We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than Rp 2.000.000, – (two million rupiah).
We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties. If Mr interested, we are ready to make presentations and conduct further discussed.
Thus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.
Samsul Arif
Marketing Manager

Contoh Ke 2
MN22 8YY
13th November 2014
Mrs Matty Jenkyns
Personnel Manager
Manchester General Hospital
Hollbrook Avenue
Dear Mrs Jenkyns
I am looking for a placement within a hospital environment from June to September of this year. I am writing to you as I understand that Manchester General Hospital may have appropriate vacancies available. I have a strong interest in laboratory procedures and clinical diagnostics which I understand are predominantly carried out at this hospital. As I live only 5 miles from your site, travel and accommodation would not be a problem for me.
I first became interested in the hospital environment after a school visit to your site.  I was taken on a tour around the laboratories where the differing techniques used in testing clinical samples for patients were demonstrated.  Since then, discussion with my careers adviser has confirmed my decision to aim for a career in this field.
Through my degree course, I have been able to develop my interest in biochemistry, whilst improving my laboratory skills along with my numeracy skills. I have gained some experience in HPLC and have good computing skills, having used several scientific databases. I achieved 68% in my first year examinations and am hoping to achieve a high 2:1 for my course work this year. While at University, I have also been able to utilise my skills in working with people through a variety of vacation jobs. My work at a busy insurance office was valuable in teaching me the importance of ascertaining customers’ needs and providing clear and accurate information.
I would be most grateful if you could consider me for any suitable positions. I will be available for interview at any time and am at my home address in Cranford from late May onwards. At all other times I can be contacted at my college address. Please find enclosed my CV where you will find further information.
Yours sincerely
Rosalind Franklin

Contoh 3 :
PT. Fashion Tersohor
Cisitu Lama Street
September 7, 2014
Subject: Puchase order for 500 pairs of shoes
Dear Sir or Madam
This is with reference to our meeting on September 3, 2014 when we visited your factory in connection with purchase of shoes for our school children.
We are pleased to place an order for 500 pairs of black shoes item number 555 and size 34. We would appreciate if the order is delivered at the address given below latest by September 26, 2014 so that we can start selling it to children before the holiday.
The terms and conditions of the purchase order as follows:
1. Order for 500 pairs of black shoes with item number 555 and size 34.
2. Delivery will be made at the address mentioned below.
3. The order should be delivered latest by September 26, 2014.
4. 100% payment will be made on delivery.
5. If the order is not delivered by the due date, please consider it as cancelled.
6. The price per pair, as mutually agreed, is IDR. 75,000 inclusive of all taxes.
We hope to have a long business relationship with you.
Please feel free to contact the undersigned for any clarifications or discrepancy in the order details.
Best regards,
[tanda tangan]

Contoh 4 :
Jl. Sutarno No. 107 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. xxxx xxxxxx Fax. xxxxxx

Jakarta, 25th September 2016

Ms. Melani
Accounts Payable
The Harapan Store
Jl. Sudarmo No. 28

It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.

In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 3% off your invoice if you pay us within 15 days of receiving the invoice.

I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (xxxx) xxxxxx.



Accounts Receivable

Contoh 5
Super Deony, Ltd.
Stationery Company
R.E Martadinata Street No.99, South Teluk Betung – Indonesia,
Phone: (0721) 124678
Email: info@SuperDeony.co.id
Appendix: 1 Price List
Head of Company
‘Sejahtera’ Stationery
Teuku Umar Street No.99, Raja Basa Bandar Lampung – Indonesia,
Dear Mr. Satomoto,
Our company named Super Deony, Ltd. engaged in the field of office Appliances Company would like to offer you some of our new products for your office. Our products are cheaper than the other companies, and also best quality with a money-back guarantee. The products we offer to you are available in the appendix with price list.
We hope you are interested in the products which we offer. If you want to buy our products, we will give you 25% discount for the first purchase. For further information, you can contact us to R.E Martadinata Street No.99, South Teluk Betung or call our hotline (0721) 124678.
Thank you for your attention.

   Hendro Kartiko, S.T


A: Good morning. Please have a seat.
(Selamat pagi. Silahkan duduk.)
B: Good morning.
(Selamat pagi.)
A: So, your name is Juni right?
(Jadi, kamu yang bernama Melissa?)
B: Yes Mom.
(Iya bu)
A: I am Angel, the head of human resource department in this company.
(Saya Angel, kepala department sumber daya manusia dari perusahaan ini.)
B: Nice to meet you Mom.
(Senang bertemu dengan anda bu.)
A: Are you ready for the job interview?
(Apakah kamu siap untuk wawancara kerja?)
B: Yes, I am ready Mom.
(Ya, saya siap Mom.)
A: How do you know about job vacancy in this company? What’s make you interested to apply as the Finance Manager in this company?
(Bagaimana kamu tau tentang lowongan kerja di perusahaan ini? Apa yang membuat kamu tertarik untuk melamar sebagai Manajer Keuangan di perusahaan ini ?)
B: I read an advertisement on Newspaper The Post, Sunday edition. I interested to apply as the Finance Manager because I think that I am capable to be in that position. Besides, I am graduated from economic faculty with good GPA 3.90.
Saya membaca iklan di koran “The Post”, edisi hari Minggu. Saya tertarik untuk melamar sebagai Manajer keuangan karena saya rasa saya memiliki kemampuan untuk berada di posisi itu. Selain itu, saya juga lulusan Fakultas Ekonomi dengan IPK yang bagus 3.90.)
A: Do you have any job experiences at the same position?
(Apakah kamu mempunyai pengalaman kerja dengan bidang yang sama?)
B: No Mom. I am a fresh graduate.
(Tidak bu. Saya adalah lulusan baru.)
A: Do you have any computer ability? Can you speak other languages?
(Apakah kamu memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer? Bisakah kamu berbicara dengan bahasa yang lainnya?)
B: Yes, I have. I can operate Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Ms.Powerpoint, and Internet. I can speak Chinese and Japanese.
(Ya, saya punya. Saya memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Ms.Powerpoint, dan Internet. Saya bisa berbahasa Cina dan Jepang.)
A: That’s interesting. Where did you learn all that languages?
(Itu menarik. Dimana kamu belajar semua bahasa itu?)
B: I took a course to learn that languages.
(Saya mengambil kursus untuk mempelajari bahasa-bahasa tersebut.)
A: Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness point?
(Bagus sekali. Jadi, Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan kamu?)
B: My strength is my spirit and my responsibility in doing something. I also like to learn new things. My weakness is I am afraid of height.
(Kelebihan saya anda semangat dan rasa tanggungjawab saya dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Saya juga senang untuk mempelajari hal baru. Kelemahan saya dalah, saya takut akan ketinggian.)
A: Well, it was a great time to have an interview with you. I thought you are a great candidate to  fill up the position. I will call you later after the board of directors make a decision. Thank you for coming Juni.
(Baiklah, sangat menyenangkan mewawancarai kamu. Saya rasa kamu adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Saya akan menghubungi kamu setelah dewan direksi membuat keputusan. Terima kasih sudah datang Melissa.)
B: You are welcome Mom.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Tugas Sofskill
Nama ; Angeliga Tampubolon
Npm  :21214187
Kelas :3Eb29

Pengertian Regular Verb
Verb adalah kata kerja, sedangkan regular verb adalah kata kerja berarturan. Kata kerja tersebut hanya ditambah akhiran -ed, -d, atau -ied dari bentuk dasarKita lihat contoh berikut:
  • -ed: allow → allowed
  • -d: use → used
  • -ied: try → tried
# 20 Regular Verb :
 Verb 1                  Verb 2                   Verb 3                   Arti
1.Advise               Advised                Advised               Menasihati
2.Agree                Agreed                 Agreed                 Menyetujui
3.Allow                 Allowed              Allowed               Mengizinkan
4.Analyze            Analized               Analyzed              Menganalisa
5Answer              Answer               Answered             Menjawab
6.Apologize        Apologized         Apologized             Minta maaf
7.Balance             Balanced              Balance              Mengimbangkan
8.Call                     Called                    Called             Memanggil
9.Change             Changed              Changed              Mengubah
10.Dance             Danced                 Danced                 Menari
11.Decide            Decided               Decided               Memutuskan
12.End                  Ended                   Ended                   Berakhir
13.Enjoy               Enjoyed              Enjoyed               Menikmati
14.Excite              Excied                 Excited              Menggairahkan
15.Fail                   Failed                    Failed                    Gagal
16.Hand               Handed                Handed            Menyeerahkan
17.Hate                Hate                      Hate                      Benci
18.Help               Helped                 Helped                 Menolong
19.Invite              Invited                  Invited                  Mengundang
20.Look              Looked                 Looked                 Melihat

# 20 Irregular Verb :
  Verb 1                 Verb 2                  Verb 3                   Artinya
1.Arise                  Arose                    Arisen                   Timbul
2.Buy                     Bought                 Bought                 Membeli
3.Come                 Came                    Come                    Datang
4.Cost                   Cost                      Cost                       Biaya
5.Fall                      fell                        Fallen                    Jatuh
6.Fly                      Flew                      Flown                    Terbang
7.Forgive             Forgave                   Forgive                 Mengampuni
8.Hang                  Hung                     Hung                     Menggantungkan
9.Have                  Had                        had                        Memiliki
10.Hurt                 Hurt                       Hurt                       sakit
11.Know              Knew                    Known                  Tahu
12.Lose                 Lost                      Lost                    Kehilangan
13.Make              Made                    Made                    Membuat
14.Meet               Met                       Med                      Memenuhi
15.Pay                   Paid                      Paid                       Membayar
16.Ring                 Rang                      Rung                      Cincin
17.Sell                   Sold                       Sold                       Menjual
18.Send                Sent                       Sent                       Mengirim
19.Sleep               Slept                      Slept                      Tidur
20.Tell                   Told                       Told                       Menceritakan